Monday, July 7, 2008

I'm back

Kerry finished up the painting today. She was sick of painting by time she got done though. I asked her if she wanted to blog tonight but she said that it was mine again. Before the carpet goes in on Thursday we have to fix the floor. This spot was burned through in a few places and has been covered with a piece of plywood to keep people from falling through. Kerry found all the nails with a magnet and pulled them. I cut the flooring and Kerry pulled it up. We then put a 2x4 next to each floor joist that was in bad shape. Now all we need to do is cut some plywood to fit in the hole and presto we have a solid floor again. In order for it to be the same thickness as the old flooring we have to use two layers of 3/8 plywood.
I started the day putting up trim. Cutting the trim around this door was interesting. It takes quite a few trips to the saw to get the angle just right. I also put up about half of the base moulding.
We got a new door when we went to Lowes tonight. It was pretty easy to put in because it was the same type of door and I was able to use the same hinge holes. I wanted to use a solid wood door that we had from the other house. When I measured it I found it was 4 inches shorter than the door that was in there. Kerry has some pictures of how it looks outside but it was too dark to see it clearly. I am sure we will get a picture of that side of the house once again.

Tomorrow I will finish the trim and caulk and fill the holes. I will get the floor fixed also. We might even get some paint on the trim. It all needs to be painted before the carpet goes in so we won't drip on our brand new carpet.

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