Monday, February 16, 2009

Temporary wall

I built a temporary wall in the kitchen so I can knock out the wall. I am going to put a beam in to span the 10 foot opening.

I had to get 10 foot 2x4's because the ceiling is so high. I don't have them nailed so I hope it all works out and the wall doesn't fall apart. There is a temporary wall just like this one in the room above on the second floor. If the house wasn't so old it would have been built with platform framing and I could have just built the wall here in the kitchen and it would have been enough. With the kind of framing that was used (balloon framing) the second floor floor joists do not support the wall above it. Houses since around the mid 50's have been built with platform framing and it would have been much easier.

This is the beam I plan on using. I used liquid nails and glued together two 2x12's with 1/2 inch plywood in the middle. I nailed it all together with 20 penny nails. It is 10 feet long and I think it will be plenty strong enough.

1 comment:

npaden said...

So it is a load bearing wall and the wall above it is a load bearing wall also?

I hope your house doesn't fall down when you knock that wall out! :-D