Friday, November 14, 2008


I started tackling the motor today. I needed to get it inside before it started freezing. There is water throughout the motor so it wouldn't have done any good to drain it out of the normal drain plugs. I didn't want it to freeze and break something. I took pictures of every step as I pulled the motor apart. This is a picture after I pulled off all the water lines and the water pump. I also wanted to get a picture of the fuel line so I knew how it was routed. I took the engine down to the block.
Now I have a whole bunch of pieces of engine!

It was a little dark by time I took the pictures so they are kind of hard to see. Right after this I dragged all the parts down to the basement. I used a hand truck to get the block down the steps.
I think I am going to be able to get away with just taking it apart and checking everything over. I haven't found anything that would make me think that I need to rebuild the thing.
I also found a windshield. When I was at work I was in Tulsa. I went to visit Kerry's parents and visited a boat junkyard. They had a windshield that I thought might fit so I used newspaper to make a template. I brought the newspaper home and cut out cardboard the same shape. I tried it on the boat and I am pretty sure it is going to work. My father-in-law is going to go buy it and bring it up when they come for Thanksgiving. It was a pretty good price at 30 bucks.

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