Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Just stuff

I got most of the carport cleaned up. The weather warmed up a little today so I was able to get some of it done. I wasn't in a hurry since I only get to fill the dumpster up once a week anyway and it doesn't get emptied until Monday. I have been trying to only put a certain amount of shingles in the dumpster at one time because I don't want them to complain it is too heavy to dump.

This pile is all the aluminum that was on the carport. I give all my metal stuff to a guy from church. He makes trips to the salvage yard all the time. I would probably spend as much on gas as it would bring for scrap.

This is all that is left of the carport. I was right about it taking three dumpster loads. I still need to cut up all the lumber in the back. Everything has to be six feet or less or it won't fit. You can see the dumpster in the top left corner of the picture. I moved everything off of the cement slab so I could start on my project boat.

I started by pulling the prop and pulling the outdrive. I was pretty sure there was going to be water in the housing behind the upper unit. I was right. It was pretty easy to pull off. I watched some videos on youtube while I was sitting in the hotel in Atlanta so I knew what I was doing.

I pulled the boat off the concrete so the tires of the trailer were well below the surface of the slab. I am hoping that will give me enough clearance to get the engine out. I am going to rent an engine hoist tomorrow and hopefully the boat is low enough now. It is pretty easy so far to work on. The engine is just a Chevy 305. There are a few things that are different that make it a marine engine but most is pretty straight forward.

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