Saturday, August 16, 2008

New project

I started cleaning up the basement. This is a shot of the tool shelves. I just put the two up that are to the right in the picture. I have just been putting stuff on the shelves for now and will organize it later.
This corner of the basement is filled with all the trim from throughout the house. I guess it could be considered Kerry's work area because she is the one that is in charge of all the trim.
This corner is where all my scaffolding, drywall lift, and ladders are. All that stuff is going to stay in that corner. Boxes need to be emptied and large tools have to be moved around.
This corner is the one that still needs to be sorted out. We had water get up to 3 inches down here and ruined some of the stuff we had stored. We still have to go through it and see what we can keep.
This is what I have pulled out of the basement so far. Mostly empty boxes. We had some old carpet down there and some pads that we got while we lived in Germany. Most of the stuff still smells damp from being in the water.

We rented a small dumpster that they will empty once a week. I am going to start filling it up as soon as it gets here on Tuesday.

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