Thursday, June 26, 2008

Feeling better

I was having trouble with Kerry's laptop last night. I use it to post most of the time and it had a virus. I finally got it fixed but then forgot to post. Hope the thousands of people that read this every night were not too disappointed.

I feel a lot better about the drywall now. I spent 7 hours on Wednesday putting mud on the wall. It was the last big coat. I then spent 7 hours today sanding. I only was able to sand about half the third floor. I am making pencil marks on all the spots that need a little touch up. I got to do something different on Wednesday! While I was putting on mud Kerry mixed up some grout and I helped her put it on the tile in the bathroom. When Kerry took this picture the grout hadn't dried yet so it is a little darker.

Now that we are closer to the paint step we are trying to decide the paint scheme. Since the place where the ceiling and the wall meet is not straight at all we don't know if we should paint it different colors. If we do it will be VERY noticeable. We just have to decide if we want to show off the "character" of the house or not. =)

Tomorrow I get to finish sanding and put mud on the places where it needs a touch up. I am getting close!

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